Monday, February 16, 2009


Allegedly, the boys are coming home this weekend. Cliff refuses to share the details such as date, time, place, airport, flight....details.

As it stands, he sent another scathing email to all of us saying this was all my fault. My response was, "If we had discussed this months ago when you first got your orders," and, "again, date? time? airport?" I don't expect a response, but it would be nice to know where and when to claim my kids.

My appointment with the Oncologist last week was yet another surprise. Apparently, and therefore allegedly, they are awaiting the results of genetic testing to make a FINAL (yeah, that word again) determination of whether or not I need chemo. So, again, I am not holding my breath or crossing my fingers, but I am apparently now shopping for furniture so the boys won't be sleeping on the floor.

1 comment:

SnarkAngel said...

Your ex is truly nuts. Apparently, he is putting his own ego first and foremost, over the well-being of his own children. That's just downright sad.