Sunday, June 27, 2010

Little things

My hair does whatever it wants now. I seem to have perpetual bed head and all of the sudden I have a tiny curl on each of my sideburns. It is the funniest looking thing I have seen in a while. They are two little tiny curls. Oh well, hair by chemo.

I seem to be having a another bout of phantom itches. I have gotten back a bit of the feelings on each of my sides, but at times my boobs itch but I cannot necessarily feel it when I scratch it and scratching it doesn't necessarily relieve the itch. Oh well, at least it is not a missing limb.

I am finally beginning to feel better. It has been 3 weeks and it appears I may be nearing the end of my cold. My ears are still clogged and haven't popped since I left Texas. Did I mention that Texas smells like a swamp? I spent almost the entire weekend in bed with my CLE courses on my laptop and that may have helped push me to the other side of the mountain. I am off to bed early tonight and then plan to put in a 9 hour day tomorrow before my board meeting tomorrow night. Have to make hay while the sun shines.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Open mouth, insert foot

I love that the CEO of BP, Tony Hayward, spent the weekend at a yachting event in the small portion of the ocean that they have apparently managed to not destroy yet. I say give them time. But seriously, of ALLLLLLL the things he could have done to spend time with his family......sailing on the ocean or watching a yacht race? Really? This is the man who was quoted as saying he wanted his life back. Tell that to the people who make a living off the ocean his company just ruined. But, isn't it really all about giving the shareholders a good return on their investment dollars?

This country stands for the right to have your own opinions and to express those opinions. Free speech is a cornerstone of all that America stands for. The only speech that is not protected is speech that is meant to start a public riot. The best example is shouting fire in a crowded movie theater. The exception to the free speech rule comes in play when you join the military. You have the right to your own opinion about anything and everything. You can think the President is an idiot, BUT, you cannot share that opinion with the press. The President, like him or not, is your Commander in Chief and as such, is in charge. To speak ill of your superiors is considered insubordination. To voice your negative opinions of any of your leaders to the press, especially if you are the guy in charge of the unit, is gross insubordination. To put it into perspective, imagine what would happen to you at work if you said the sorts of things that were said to your boss. Better yet, how well would it go over if you put it in the company newsletter? Yeah, it is like that.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The old and the new

Having been to court today, I was reminded in no uncertain terms that stupid people keep criminal defense attorneys employed. I don't like to deal with them, but I have to thank them for their existence.

Last night I was surprised to receive a text from Ian. He was sitting in St. Louis and just wanted to say hi. Kaz quickly informed me that Fort Leonard Wood was still another 3 hours south of St. Louis so Ian was in for a long bus ride. My only advice for him was to SLEEP every single available second he had because as soon as his feet hit the ground he could count on being severely sleep deprived for the next 9 weeks. Poor kid, he said it was too cold to sleep on the bus.

I have now had custody of Michael's old cold for over a week. I am no longer convinced I am dying, or begging for the relief death would offer, but I am still thinking it sucks to be me every time I cough.

BP is still f'ing up the clean-up and trying to pretend it isn't really all that bad. As Bill Maher said, it was all just a conspiracy by pelicans to get a free bath.

There isn't really anything new to report, but the title was catchy.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Where to begin?

I have now managed to graduate one of my two children. Yes, I actually touched his diploma and verified with the principal that it was a valid diploma. As for the trip itself, I would not know where to begin. Let's just say that I loved spending time with my boys and Texas is hell. If the "great" state of Texas wants to secede from the union, I say here's your hat, what's your hurry and don't let the door hit ya on the ass on your way out.

It was truly the most surreal experience I have had in a very long time. I only have to go back to Texas to do this one more time and then I will be done with it all. Ian has become quite the young adult and will be shipping out to boot camp on June 13. After that, he will continue on to his job training and then return home. Apparently I misunderstood his situation and he will be an Army Reservist and not Active Duty Regular Army. He has volunteered for a stint in Afghanistan but can not go anywhere until he finishes basic and training.

I know my biatch posse has my back and knows exactly how to handle a mother who has shipped her son into war. Hopefully we won't have to exercise our great talents.