Thursday, February 12, 2009

The saga continues.....

Well, aside from the fact that the JAG officer on base insists on calling me ma'am, it seems I have managed to spark a fire under someone's ass. Speaking of asses, not a word from the dark side, but it seems the Navy is no longer willing to take him at his word? OR, they do NOT want to be held responsible/liable for the kids remaining on the base. I attached a copy of the order the judge already said he would likely sign on March 16, which allows Ian to stay until the end of the semester IF he is living WITH someone and then the day after school lets out, his ass needs to be on a plane to Chicago. We shall see.

As to the whole BC issue, I saw the plastic surgeon yesterday who agreed they were healing beautifully and aside from the fact that the nips look like the cat chewed on them, everything is going great. I then saw the oncologist who said they were waiting on DNA/genetic testing to make the final determination of whether or not I get chemo (yes, that is still on the table - think diet plan!), radiation (a for sure), and or hormone therapy. It seems that modern science has made cancer treatment a fine art. Not complaining and the longer the put it off, the longer I get to keep my hair!.....LOL

BTW, I promised myself I would run a marathon before I turned 50 and it will be 47 this year. So, I am starting off with just a few 5k's. Start small, aim high, think big!