Saturday, December 12, 2009

My eyebrows

I must start off this post by saying it is nice to have hair again. My head is not as cold as it was while I was bald. I had hoped against hope it would come in the beautiful red color I had paid dearly for, but alas, it came back as grey as it was before. The weird thing is that it started out completely silver and it has changed to more of a grey color. Additionally, it seems there are more dark hairs in there then before and the pepper/salt ratio appears to be increasing, albeit slightly.

That said, my eyebrows have grown back as well. They are much lighter then they used to be, but it beats being bald and eyebrowless. The first hairs to grow back were actually the few black hairs on my chin. (Not even close to a TMI!) Now I appear to have a few black hairs growing in my eyebrows. It is almost noticeable in the mirror (as opposed to viewing through a magnification mirror in my hand) and I must say it is a little off puttng. I am glad to have hair for the winter, so we shall just have to see where it all winds up.


SnarkAngel said...

Now when I see you tonight, I'll be staring at your chin and eyebrows. HA!

SnarkAngel said...

Thanks so much for Saturday night, my dear! I had a wonderful time!