Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Open mouth, insert foot

I love that the CEO of BP, Tony Hayward, spent the weekend at a yachting event in the small portion of the ocean that they have apparently managed to not destroy yet. I say give them time. But seriously, of ALLLLLLL the things he could have done to spend time with his family......sailing on the ocean or watching a yacht race? Really? This is the man who was quoted as saying he wanted his life back. Tell that to the people who make a living off the ocean his company just ruined. But, isn't it really all about giving the shareholders a good return on their investment dollars?

This country stands for the right to have your own opinions and to express those opinions. Free speech is a cornerstone of all that America stands for. The only speech that is not protected is speech that is meant to start a public riot. The best example is shouting fire in a crowded movie theater. The exception to the free speech rule comes in play when you join the military. You have the right to your own opinion about anything and everything. You can think the President is an idiot, BUT, you cannot share that opinion with the press. The President, like him or not, is your Commander in Chief and as such, is in charge. To speak ill of your superiors is considered insubordination. To voice your negative opinions of any of your leaders to the press, especially if you are the guy in charge of the unit, is gross insubordination. To put it into perspective, imagine what would happen to you at work if you said the sorts of things that were said to your boss. Better yet, how well would it go over if you put it in the company newsletter? Yeah, it is like that.

1 comment:

SnarkAngel said...

... or ... open ass ... insert presidential foot ...