Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Catholic church OFFICIALLY hates women

I have known this for years, but their last official policy statement should confirm this for the entire world.

I shall start at the beginning. Back in 1995, during the United Nations' International Conference on Women and Children in Beijing, China, the Vatican exerted a great deal of time and effort bringing the entire conference to a screeching halt as it argued over one paragraph in the report that they were preparing. The entire report was thousands of pages and the Vatican would not let anyone do anything because they objected to that one single paragraph. The paragraph simply said that as to the issue of abortion, each country had to decide for themselves and deal with the issue as they saw fit for their own country.

The Vatican also said that women had no right to say no to their husbands when they wanted sex. It was part of the wife's duties to sexually gratify her husband. The man does not have to gratify his wife's requests for sex because that is not part of his duties to provide for his family. Don't forget the couple cannot use birth control...EVER!

It was at that point I was able to simply wash my hands of the church, run by men, and walk away. The fact that they had been engaging in an ongoing conspiracy to obstruct justice by hiding pedophiles was more then mere icing on the cake, it was res ipsa loquitor.

Now, the church, run by men, has officially declared that to ordain women as priests is to commit as great a sin as sexually molesting children. REALLLLLLLY??????

1 comment:

SnarkAngel said...

I officially hate the Catholic church.