Monday, August 30, 2010

Ah, the memories...

I have posted a few pics of Ian's graduation to Facebook and the rest have been uploaded into the pics on my profile. It was amazing that Ian and I could relate about the "good times" at boot camp. Although his boot camp was a great deal more vigorous and 100 times more physically challenging, we were able to share our little stories and bond. Ian thanked me for teaching him the trick of laying under your bed with your fingers laced in the springs to catch a quick nap on the floor. If anyone catches you napping, you were merely squaring away the sheets under the bed and they cannot really yell at you for trying to keep your bed extra sharp looking. He did not use my hint of going to church to nap, as he found it far easier to just crawl under his bed.

Ian said he enjoyed the experience and felt he was better for it. I said that I was happiest knowing I was finished and would not have to do it again. We both agreed that the best two words to describe boot camp, in any branch, are sleep deprived!

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