Thursday, June 18, 2009

It never rains...

Well, where to start? Tim from England spent the weekend and dragged me out for a walk or two. We managed to walk from Water Tower Place to Grant Park for Blues Fest and my legs are still groaning. He spent hours online to clean off my computer only to have the harddrive fail minutes before we had to leave for the airport. My laptop refuses to acknowledge the Internet exists, so I am typing this at the public library!

The doc was worried about the fact I was coughing up small bits of brown and yellow stuff so there was a chest xray yesterday. So far, no word that anything was found. Also, my liver function tests were off so I have to repeat my blood work on Friday when I go back to meet the new radiologist.

So, if anyone wants to talk, gotta call me!

1 comment:

SnarkAngel said...

Sorry I missed din-din tonight, sweetums! But I will take care of the litter in the morning. And as much as I adore Miss Kitty, I hope to see YOU, TOO, sooner rather than later! XOXOXO