Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Family Weekend

I am looking forward to seeing the family this weekend! My Michael is coming up from Texas, by means of a very wonderful sister Amy, and I am thrilled to see him. After the whole shebang in March, it will be nice to just be able to sit and talk things out. Ian has "other plans", which translates into Ian is still not talking to me. Once again I regret my decision to let the boys go to Japan, but I guess I was tired of fighting with them and always being the bad guy. I blame no one but myself for being weak. I truly believe they would have been better off staying in Naperville. Oh well, spilt milk.

I am looking forward to a start date for radiation because a start date means a finish date! Five more weeks plus the waiting period!

1 comment:

SnarkAngel said...

So glad you got to come out to dinner this evening! Phase II is over! Yahoo!