Wednesday, June 10, 2009

An Update

Dr. B found me a new radiologist so I no longer have to see Dr. McCreepy. I have an appointment on June 19 with the new guy and we shall just have to wait and see. Another new development is that the VA has a nursing home on the grounds and for the 5 weeks I have to do radiation (and the consensus of ALL the docs and nurses is that radiation is a MUST) I can possibly stay in the nursing home on the grounds. Miss Kitty will have to spend 5 weeks at Camp Grandma where she will be forced to watch the wall-to-wall live nature show 7 days a week.....LOL

The up side is that I won't have to commute 2.5 hours each way every single day, but the down side is that for 5 weeks I will spend 5 days a week in a nursing home. The one bright spot is, being a vet with tits means a private room, more likely then not.

1 comment:

SnarkAngel said...

So sorry to hear they want you to do the radiation, too! But if everyone agrees, I suppose you have to trust in their recommendation. The whole five weeks thing is a drag. Let me know if you need a hand with anything!