Tuesday, January 19, 2010


My attempts to adopt an older male cat to keep Miss Kitty company failed miserably this past weekend. He came, she saw, they screamed, he peed the couch, he went back!

My current roommate is quiet and seems to never be home. The only reason I have a roommate is to help pay the rent, although I have had roommates whose company I rather enjoyed.

I currently have two potential roommate options. The first is to move in with a friend who has a HUGE 3br/2bath apartment. The downside is that my rent would stay about the same. The upside is that I would have my own bathroom and great company.

The second option is the possibility of Rick moving here to split a place. The upside is that he is willing to clean and loves to cook. The down side is the tobacco use. I have to admit the spitting thing drives me insane.

Both options are very viable but one involves moving, another involves staying where I am and probably having the rent go up again, or is there a third option? What about finding a new place? The question could become that of one, two or three bedrooms?

1 comment:

SnarkAngel said...

I think rents will rise again during the spring market, which will mean your best options will still be Dean or Rick. Personally, I think the Dean thing is pretty much a sure thing and an easy choice at this point.