Monday, January 11, 2010

The update to the same old de ja vu

I spent part of the weekend in Naperville talking to mom. I realized on the train ride out there that I was going for reasons that were more selfish then giving. I needed to discuss this with her because the issue hit so close to home. I am glad I went and I believe she is glad I went as well.

The one thing that we discussed in detail was the fact that the doctor told her to go ahead and have the double mastectomy (so no chemo or rad.) and she would be back up and running around in a few weeks so she could have the surgery before she left for Rome. REALLY?? I explained that while the wounds might be closed up and the scars healing, if she was planning to go on vacation without anyone else to help, it was possible she wasn't going be able to carry her purse, let alone get her luggage out of overhead and carry it all over Rome! Vacation means shopping and how would she be able to carry all her tourist crap?

Thank you all for your words of support. It is what it is and we are all back down off the ledge of panic and fear. At least she had the decency to wait until I was done with all my treatments...LOL I keep telling her she might just be doing all this for the attention.


SnarkAngel said...

Glad to hear are there for her. Of course, I would expect nothing less of you, my dear. By the way, I have some containers I need to get back to you! LOL

SnarkAngel said...

Meant to say: "Glad to hear YOU are there for her." Doh!