Friday, May 28, 2010

The "A" word

Appalling? Apocalyptic? Awesome? Words being used to describe the oil disaster include; heartbreaking, total destruction of the marine ecosystem, horrific, impossible, amazing, startling, shocking, arresting and upsetting. Mere words cannot begin to describe the shock and awe of this catastrophic disaster. The word that is being bandied about the most about the oil spill is accountability. Everyone agrees that BP should be held accountable for everything that has happened and take full responsibility for the billions that will be needed to clean this mess up, or at least make a full press effort to clean up THEIR mess.

The one word that seems to have escaped the war of words is...."AVOIDABLE"

It is my understanding that BP bypassed the safety concerns of its employees and took the cheap way out to get at the oil at the bottom of the ocean. We need to acknowledge the 500 pound purple gorilla in the middle of the room. Really?

1 comment:

SnarkAngel said...

How much you wanna bet that very little will change with regards to regulations regarding this disaster? I have little faith in our government's ability to handle this problem.