Monday, January 5, 2009

A wake up and a chuckle

In the Navy, we use to count down the days or hours and the last day was always, "...and a wake up." So, where I previously posted 96, it should probably have said 72 and a wake up. Now, there is nothing but the wake up left. This time tomorrow, I will be under the gown and wearing a smile, at least until the meds wear off...LOL

The chuckle is that this time they won't have to keep asking me if I know which boob they are cutting on. The last time, they kept asking me even AFTER I had a wire sticking out of the left one and a dixie cup taped over the wire end. Oh yeah, and 3 doctors' initials.....not that they were that obvious or anything....LOL

1 comment:

SnarkAngel said...

Good luck, kiddo! After the surgery, let us know how you are doing as soon as you are able!