Wednesday, March 11, 2009

As the iron chef would say, "Let the battle begin!"

On Monday, I am scheduled for a full day at the VA hospital. I will have a bone scan done, a heart image done and a shunt installed for chemotherapy. My first dose of chemo starts next Thursday and will proceed once a week every other week. The oncologist has scheduled the doses for Thursdays so I can take the weekend off and only miss 2 days of work a week every other week.

I will be starting on one kind for 4 doses and then switching to a differant kind for the last 4 doses so it should take 16 weeks. I have been told I will likely lose my hair, so I am REALLLLY glad I decided not to spend the $175 on a new cut and complete color job! Think of the time I will save on haircare! The folks who share my "pod" at work are already planning "Topper Tuesdays" in which whatever they bring for me to wear that day, I have to wear it all day at work (think foam cheese head).

I have no clue how much this will suck, but I do know it likely means I will not be out on another Friday night (after this Friday of course) for a very long time. So, I would hope to be able to host a few pot luck Sunday dinners for my friends so I am stuck at home with just the boys to give me crap :-)

1 comment:

SnarkAngel said...

Sorry to hear they have opted for chemo, but I know you are a trooper and will get through it! Having support at work will mean a world of difference! Good luck, my dear! We will talk more on Friday!