Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chemo days and chemo nights....

I have heard from a reliable source (read Becky's mom), that I will likely be down on average 2-4 days including the day of dosing. Like the proverbial, "it depends," each person reacts differently to the dosing. What I do know is that I have entered all of the dates onto my calender and my life will now revolve around "chemo days/chemo weekends". The doc was kind enough to schedule doses on Thursdays to give me a 4 day weekend to recoup, but I am now starting to plan things like family events on a non-chemo weekend basis.

1 comment:

SnarkAngel said...

Time will tell, but Becky's mom is right. Everyone reacts differently. Some handle it better than others. Just know that you have friends who are near and willing to help!