Friday, March 20, 2009

The day after

Ok, the boys now belong to him, they are all gone, and I have lived to tell about my first round of chemo. I didn't say anything to the boys as we left the courthouse out of fear I might tell them how I really felt and how they made me feel and therefore, I would say things I would deeply regret. I felt it was better to just walk away.

Becky took me to the hospital yesterday and sat with my until my sister could arrive. I was in by 9 and out by 2:30 and they even fed me lunch at the hospital! It was edible, let's leave it at that. After picking me up, we drove to Oak Forest and I was able to pick out a wig that the VA will pay for. It looks almost exactly like my old hair, but I won't have to worry about cuts and color! I tried the hot blond but it washes out my skin so bad I look dead. NOT the look a chemo patient is going for!

Ok, how do I feel? I feel surprisingly good, with "good" being relative. I actually think I could go into work for a few hours today, but my roommate just keeps laughing when I mention it. I was sent home with all sorts of new friends in bottles and we are keeping the anti-nausea ones close at hand. I really don't feel that bad, but they say the first dose can be deceiving.


SnarkAngel said...

A personal "thank you" to Becky for being there for you! It is times like these when you learn who your true friends are. And I believe you did the right thing by just walking away, kiddo. I think your "silence" is far more effective than any harsh words could be. Let them mull that over. Keep up posted on the chemo.

SnarkAngel said...

P.S. I saw Bob and George last night (a rare outing for them) at Evil. They send their love! I gave them the full update. Tonight is the finale of Battlestar Gallactica, so they plan on visiting Anvil more on Fridays in the future.