Tuesday, April 21, 2009

All about the updates

Ok, poopshoot issues appear to be pretty much resolved. Thanks to modern meds, it is not quite the issue it was. That said, it is still not a regular thing and at least I am not ripping a new one. My body is producing less because my entire diet has changed and not for the better. GOD I MISS SALADS!

The hair thing is still what it is. Got none, just stubble, but takes me seconds to shower and towel dry. I don't give a rat's ass what it looks like, I don't have to look at it. I have to admit, I pull my hat off at times for the sympathy vote, like when I need a seat on the L. Hell, hard enough to stand up, so if it gets me a seat, not like I am faking it.

Kids issue seems resolved pretty much too. The boys are talking to me and know better then to cut off the hand that occasionally sends them money. For Ian's bday he will get unlimited text messaging on his phone. Costs me $20 a month and I let him know that is what he was getting. Apparently, without unlimited texting, I am ruining his social life. Whatever.......LOL

3 down, 1 to go of the bad shit and then 4 of the not so bad shit. I am seriously reconsidering radiation as the thought of being nauseous for another 5 weeks just does NOT appeal to me. Besides, they took most of the breast tissue anyways, and there is no "target" left. It would be different if they had not performed a massive reconstruction, but this way, I say they got it all or chemo killed the rest!

1 comment:

SnarkAngel said...

But how does the "overall" radiation treatment process compare to the chemo? Since you are already 3/4 of the way through "the bad shit," carefully consider before opting for radiation. By the way, I will stop and visit Miss Kitty and her litter box this evening. Finally got out of bed today at noon, after spending 22 hours in bed with the flu. Feeling 100% better now! Thank goodness!