Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The scarf thing.

You see more bald chemo patients wearing head scarves and hats then you ever noticed before when someone you know is going through chemo. People you would have ignored in a prior moment jump out at you and tug at your heartstrings. There is simply a "chemo look" that evokes a sense of pulling at the heartstrings that is hard to explain. I have been told I am extremely upbeat for someone who is currently battling breast cancer and chemo, but I say what are my alternatives? So, the scarf thing. I cannot even pretend to speak for anyone else, but I have my bald head covered because I AM COLD! The low blood pressure does not help, but I am simply feeling the temp on my bald scalp. I never realized how damned much hair I actually had, although my hair dressers bitched about it for years, until it was all gone. I don't mourn the hair, but dammit, I found a new love for hats!!!!

1 comment:

SnarkAngel said...

I ADORE your bald head, my dear ... and your lovely scarf. Hee.