Thursday, April 9, 2009

The first cut is the deepest...(TMI WARNING)

Ok, got the scoop on the chemo. The first 4 doses are the toxic cocktail that will make me more sick as they progress. At number 2, I am ready to about throw in the towel, as the constipation/ripping a new one/shitting a brick issue is more then just a metaphorical pain in my ass.....I KNOW TMI!!

So, the next two doses will be worse and after my tears yesterday at the hospital, they have decided to up my dose of anti-nausea drugs to include more of the good shit for a longer period of time. Fortunately, all my symptoms are chemo related and nothing is out of the ordinary. It sucked to be me yesterday after I went in for my regular between doses check up to have them check me in because my blood pressure was TOO low....LOL....I wish they would make up their damned minds!

This too shall pass like a reallllllly huge, jagged, nasty BM!


SnarkAngel said...

Not TMI, dear. Not at all. Sorry to hear you are feeling so "shitty." Pun intended. And you are right ... this, too, shall pass. Like a breach birth, no doubt. You're a trooper, so I know you will get through this, Love. XOXOXO

Anonymous said...

You get all the food ready and we're gonna be there for the last weekend of your clean up the mess and keep you entertained! It will be over before you know it and we'll all laugh about it at Christmas! You might want to bring SnarkAngel to the Keys with you for Christmas and we can all celebrate your success with this mess. JW