Monday, July 27, 2009

The Answer!

No sooner did I get finished blogging my fears then the lady from the VA nursing home (ECC - extended care center) call me to tell me she had my answers.

I will be staying at the ECC because the rooms are nicer and food is served in the building. The ECC, unlike the HOPTEL (like a Navy Lodge or barracks), has internet service for its residents. I do NOT need to bring my laptop because I would not be allowed to access the internet on my laptop. Still not sure of all the details, but there is NO charge for staying at either facility. The ECC serves food in their building (not sure if it is in the room or dining room) and the HOPTEL requires you to walk over to the actual hospital to eat your meals in the cafeteria.

So, bottom line, no cardboard box and no hot plate :-)