Saturday, August 29, 2009

Oh yeah, the current prognosis

My mantra for the last few months was, "I may be jobless, childless, titless and hairless, but at least I am not homeless." In all the excitement about my potentially being homeless, I forgot to update how things were going.

Prior to my treatment yesterday, I was informed the radiologist wanted to see me. I told the nurse to grab him now because as soon as I was finished, I was out of there like shit from a goose. I was breaking out and running fast. The doctor examined me and seemed surprised that my breast was not more red and sunburned looking. It seems to be a dark shade of pink. He was also surprised that I was not in a bit of pain. I explained that it is sometimes uncomfortable sleeping on my left side, but I blame my hip for that. The only real side effect now is that it itches like crazy, similar to a mild sunburn. The nurse admonished me to apply the cream twice a day.

So far, so good, not complaining.

1 comment:

SnarkAngel said...

Looking forward to seeing you soon!