Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It goes...

This last week of treatment has been a pretty quiet week for me. My friend has been kind enough to let me borrow her car a few days so my long commute is not every day and I just look at it as exercise and a chance to read.

The one thing I finally noticed, or rather, really paid attention to, is the fatigue. I find myself coming home from radiation and sinking into the couch after I am finished puttering around the house. By 8:00, I am half laying down and by 9:00 I am ready for bed. I figure that because the forewarned side effect of blistering sunburn to my chest area did not occur, that I was immune from any and all side effects. As I lay in bed last night, it hit me that I was not symptom free, but that I had just chosen to ignore the worst one. So, armed with that knowledge, I am cutting myself some slack and not beating myself up over the fact that I am not ready, willing or able to start training for a marathon.

1 comment:

SnarkAngel said...

The marathon can wait. Your health can't. Get PLENTY of rest and just listen to what you body is telling you. XOXO