Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The little head

Last week I felt an itch on my back. It is in the middle of my back and I was unable to reach it no matter how I stretched. When I looked in the mirror I noticed something resembling a pimple on my back. Needless to say, it is now huge. I would say it was the size of a second human head, but I would be only slightly exaggerating. It is the size of a quarter and it hurts like all hell. I had the nurse at the VA look at it yesterday and she confirmed it was just a pimple run amok and not a second head sprouting from my back. She recommended hot compresses and waiting it out.

1 comment:

SnarkAngel said...

I am 49 and I still get pimples. Sometimes on the edge of my beard or the edge of an eyebrow. HATE THEM! So I send my sympathies! XOXO