Thursday, October 15, 2009

All the news...

Yesterday was a visit with Dr. B, who says I seem to be doing well, but she is concerned that my white count was down a bit since my last blood work, last month. It is still "normal", but it went down so she is scratching her head. Dr. B also confirmed what Becky's mom said about being "tired" or bone weary for months following radiation. I feel like I did at the end of chemo, but only at night. I don't seem to feel as tired during the day, but the minute my ass hits the couch after dinner, I am toast. This, like shingles, could go on for almost a year after radiation. Like I said, the good thing is I seem to be ok while I am moving, but just crash at the end of the day.

I went to the dentist today and they put an actual filling into the root canal tooth after finishing (?) the root canal?? They just seemed to keep drilling on it and I think this was their fourth or fifth go at it. Either way, it was deemed "finished" and I was told to get a crown. Between the intake work and the crown, it should cost me about $650 at the UIC dental school. That is on my list of shit to do after the paychecks start coming again.

Roommate issue is still up in the air and I re posted the ad. I have 2 possible people coming to look at the place in the next 2 days and we shall just have to see. Tomorrow is the radiologist and then I am done until I seem my regular doc next month for my annual physical.

1 comment:

SnarkAngel said...

Keep us posted about the white cell count.