Saturday, October 10, 2009

Food obsessed

Now that I can taste things and my teeth are temporarily fixed enough to eat carefully, I find myself obsessed with eating and with food. I don't eat to just stuff my face, but any small craving I get becomes a cooking and eating adventure. I picked apples at a local park and turned them into caramel apple cheesecake. Mere mention of bbq beef at mom's for dinner sent me flying for the cheap pot roasts that make for great bbq beef. (The double batch I made is sitting in the fridge waiting for me to pull out the fat and bones!) Thoughts of spinach/zucchini lasagna dance through my head. I am using the hell out of the freezer out back to freeze up individual portions or dinner party portions of everything so I won't have to cook when I go back to work. Note, I did not say "IF" I go back to work :-)

Yesterday I met with the director for the Evanston Piccolo Theater and it seems I might become a member of the board. He took me for lunch at an exquisite Italian bistro where I ordered a salad. Roasted red peppers, marinated fresh mushrooms, and just a small sprinkle of the most amazing and buttery goat cheese I have ever had. What made it perfect was the cappuccino at the end. Starbucks has NOTHING on a real cappuccino served in a real Italian restaurant.

I am planning a trip today to the farmers market in Evanston for some of the last of the season harvest. I do not think I have eaten enough real tomatoes to make up for the first half of the summer where I could not taste them.

1 comment:

SnarkAngel said...

Freeze, freeze, freeze! Good plan!