Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Duty to Warn

I just realized I had not fulfilled my duty to warn, as to content. That said, here it goes. What you will read in here is a reflection of how I feel, what I feel, what is happening and my impressions of events and conversations that have transpired. I will NOT be PC and keep anything to myself and I WILL describe, probably in graphic detail, what is happening to me. That said, the language might appear to be "graphic" but I will make every effort to keep it non-vulgar. I will not hold any punches, but things like the actual biopsy will be labeled as such so you can skip over anything you would rather not read (as in TMI, TMI, TMI). Some people are not going to like what I may say to them or about them, but again, this is how I feel and feelings are neither right or wrong, they simply are what they are.

Any questions before we begin? Then keep your hands inside the car at all times, this will be a bumpy ride!


Mariah said...

Hi, Auntie Catherine! I just wanted to tell you that I love you, and if you ever need me, I'm here, and can help out with stuff (just not thurs-sat night from 5:30-11pm, i'm running our play this weekend. But even then, i should be able to get them to a point, where should I be needed, I can get out of it...) But yeah. I can't imagine what's going on for you, but I can offer one thing: It'll all be okay, because we love you. Yeah. <3 Mariah

SnarkAngel said...

And "we" (the boyz of Granville) love ya, too ... I loved the reference to "bumpy" ride ... I take it no pun was intended ... XOXOXO