Saturday, November 22, 2008

Oops he did it again.....

In speaking to the boys last night, it was casually mentioned that their dad had made plans to have the boys move to Texas in January to live with their step mom while he did a year in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. It was also mentioned that he had no intention of trying to get them to Chicago at all.

Even when I was married to him, I was never made a part of any of Cliff's plans. I found out he had taken orders to Norfolk when the Navy movers called to arrange to pick up his stuff. Once we were divorced, it was none of my business where he took orders to or what he did, he was someone else' problem, UNTIL, he took the boys to live with him. It is not that he once again made plans without consulting me, it is that he made plans for my children without even considering my feelings, desires or possible objections, let alone even think about making me a part of the conversation.

He is sending these boys to be raised by a woman I have NEVER EVEN MET and NEVER EVEN SPOKEN TO ON THE PHONE!!!! They are my children and I would NEVER agree to pawn them off on anyone else. Cliff's response to my email was to say that it was all about what the boys wanted that mattered. I wouldn't know, WE never discussed anything, THEY made all the plans. I was completely cut out of the loop on this one AGAIN!

I know the boys are reading the blog and it is not my intention to make them feel bad. What I hope to make them understand is that if this was what they wanted they should have had the common courtesy to discuss this with me. If they are old enough to decide where they want to live, they are old enough to discuss this with their own mother. I am sure the fact that he bought Ian a car has nothing to do with his decision to live in Texas. I am also sure that the fact that Michael has a large bedroom of his own and a huge backyard has nothing to do with his decision to move to Texas either. I had hoped they would learn from their father that it was NOT ok
to hide things and to make major life decisions that involve others without even discussing it with those who it affects. I had hoped that I had done a better job of raising my sons.


SnarkAngel said...

So sorry to hear about this. It's amazing how selfish and vindictive people can be.

Lara and JW Keithley said...

Cliff is a butt.