Friday, November 14, 2008

What does having breast cancer feel like?

Shortly before I went in for my surgical consult, my friend Holly insisted I make a list of all the "symptoms" and issues I was having with my body. By having all of the information, the doctors would be better able to provide a diagnosis and provide better care. Some of the "symptoms" were not necessarily signs of breast cancer, but things I noted were "wrong" with my body. It didn't dawn on me that anyone else might have wondered how it actually felt to "have cancer" until someone actually asked me point blank what it felt like to have breast cancer. So, this is a list of my "signs/symptoms" and in no way reflects the actual signs or symptoms of breast cancer. In making the list, it was interesting to note that a great deal of my "symptoms" were present long before I was told that I had a bad lump in my left breast. That said, this is the list, for what it is worth.

I have had difficulty breathing for the last 3 months. I blame the doctor who took me off my allergy meds as he had previously told me I showed signs of allergy induced asthma.

Nausea. This has been going on the longest. I actually accused my roommate of "making the house reek of chocolate" when she baked cupcakes. This actually scared the piss out of me. I lost almost all interest in food for the past 4 months and nothing tastes that good. I eat what I can, when I can and it tends to be high carb comfort foods.

Issues with bowel movements. Apparently that started about the time I was notified. I either don't poop at all for days or it is golf balls and peas. (SORRY TMI!)

Dizziness. This has been going on a month longer then the phone call. When I stand up I get dizzy. I have attributed this to allergies, clogged ears and vertigo type symptoms.

Extreme fatigue. This has been going on the longest, or for 6 months. I would liken it to when I had mono. It is a feeling like you are swimming underwater and not getting anywhere. I am in bed most nights by 8:30 and although I am awake at 6:00, I am tired within minutes of waking up.

Gas/Belching. This has been going on for the same 2 months as the dizziness. I don't know that they are related, but it started before the phone call. I belch constantly and rather loudly. Most of the straight guys I know are actually rather impressed.

For the last 4 months I have had a great deal of trouble sleeping. This is pre-phone call and I blame stress and the fact I do not have a "real job".

Menstrual cramps and severe bleeding. This has been going on for a year and it reminds me of when I was in high school and used to have to take a day off school every month because I could not move without pain. I am throwing clots that are the size of a quarter and will bleed for up to 11 days. The doctors are concerned, and have ruled out uterus cancer, but have not decided what to do about this. This entire whoha issue has been shuffled to the back burner but will have to be addressed on V day.


SnarkAngel said...

I'm not straight, but I still give you a "good one!" every time you belch ... and I hope you'll do the same for me!

Just Catie said...

OMG I love you! I am going to Mom's for turkey day and then cooking an entire turkey dinner on Friday night so I can have all the leftovers I want. Anyone is welcome to join me. I can only do this because the kitchen is at the far end of the apartment and I have a window next to the stove to blow the fumes out........LOL