Thursday, November 13, 2008

How Crass!

There is a bar near my house that is a local neighborhood dive. It is not a straight bar, but most of the guys there can be called friends. I am very welcome, find the crowd VERY non-judgmental and very accepting of my sense of humour. The drinks are cheap, the pour is generous and they make me smile. The best part is I know that none of them will ever try to slip something into my drink to get into my pants (unless he wants to borrow the matching top!). I usually meet a few close friends there on Wednesday and Friday nights and it was the first place I thought of to go for election results. Sure enough, Gunga was there with an actual score card of all the races in all the states.

Most of the guys there have been aware that I have been having some physical issues and when I am asked what is wrong, I flat out tell anyone who pushes the issue that I have breast cancer. I have not necessarily shouted it from the rooftops, but I have also not gone quietly into that good night. Living where I do, so far from family and with the kids gone, I do tend to feel isolated. Don't get me wrong, I love where I live, love the neighborhood, am grateful for ALL of the wonderful people I have met being a "Granville Girl", but I do feel lonely for a guy in my life at times. I get that at the Anvil. The owners are close friends and were quick to inform me that their dog had survived breast cancer so I should be fine. (*heavy sigh here* that the closest breast cancer survivor I know is a Terrier who survived a radical double mastectomy make me want to say REALLY!!)

Anywho, the point of this was to say that one of the bartenders (who it turns out is not well liked) informed me that to say out loud AND IN PUBLIC that I had breast cancer was tacky, rude and extremely crass. This is something to be discussed, OR NOT, discreetly with a few clothes intimate friends and family. I told him misery loved company and I was tired of everyone asking me all the time, "So, how are you? Anything new in your life? We haven't seen you in a while, what have you been up to?"


SnarkAngel said...

I just want to say ... for the record and benefit of readers ... I am NOT that bartender ... 'tis another "bar wench" who works there.

Just Catie said...

LOL......and not one of the low life patrons either.......we do lend an air of class to the joint!